La vision des membres fondateurs et de l’UA est celle d’une Afrique intégrée, prospère et pacifique, dirigée par ses propres citoyens et représentant une force dynamique sur la scène mondiale. L’Agenda 2063 de l’Union africaine et les prochains successeurs de la Stratégie de science, de technologie et d’innovation pour l’Afrique 2024 (STISA-2024) et de la Stratégie continentale d’éducation pour l’Afrique (CESA) continueront de guider le travail du commissaire à l’ESTI
La vision qui guidera le Dr Qhobela dans l’exercice de son mandat de commissaire à l’ESTI peut ainsi être résumée comme suit:
- Accélérer la réalisation d'une Afrique intégrée, prospère et pacifique, grâce à une éducation transformée de qualité.
- Tirer parti de l'utilisation de la STI comme catalyseur pour répondre aux priorités de l'Afrique telles que l'éradication de la faim, la sécurité alimentaire et des ressources naturelles, la lutte contre le changement climatique et l'adaptation; assurer le contrôle des maladies; et la construction d'une société prospère.
- Grâce à un leadership consultatif et serviteur, je soutiendrai la collaboration, la coopération et les partenariats intra-continentaux.
Context and Strategic Approach
I have devoted most of my professional career to the development of the South African university and science system, because of my deep conviction that education, science, technology and innovation are key enablers for social and economic development. It is undeniable and universally accepted that quality education transforms lives, communities and societies. Technical and technological skills are also necessary for industrialisation. Equally, excellent and impactful STI has the potential to promote economic growth and prosperity.
Science, inclusive of the natural, social, physical, engineering, the human sciences and indigenous knowledge systems does not serve itself but serves society. In this regard, science and society should always be working in harmony where the relationship is founded on mutual trust, respect and dialogue – where society trusts that the scientific community has its welfare and development at heart and that society actively and enthusiastically supports science.
My vision and commitment as Commissioner for ESTI is to promote, support, and advance inclusive quality education for all and excellent and impactful African STI that serves society to enable us to realise an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa.
My strategic approach to the work of the Commissioner for ESTI is informed by the identified need to strengthen the leadership of the Commission and cohesion of its departments. I will thus endeavour to strengthen the office to have influence and impact in the delivery of its mandate. The office must be productive, efficient and effective in executing its mandate and in supporting the Chairperson of the AU Commission and the AUC more generally.
My office will also have unwavering commitment to Pan-Africanism; service; excellence; good governance and accountability, while being results driven and exercising high ethical conduct and astute and refined diplomacy. These are some of the principles and commitments which will inform and shape my leadership as Commissioner for ESTI.
Building on Past Successes
Our Continent can be pleased but not complacent of the many positive changes that have occurred in ESTI in the recent past, given the enormity of the challenges and the paucity of resources faced by many countries on the continent. Gross participation in primary, secondary and post-school education and training has improved in the past 20 years. The trend must be continued, with a focus on improving the participation of girls and improving the educational outcomes, especially in the SMET subjects. Similarly, scientific output has also increased, but this is due to improved performance of a few countries. This demands that we increase participation of more Africans in STI and its use for societal benefit.
Progress has also been achieved over the last few years in initiating a few flagship projects. The Pan African University (PAU) has been established with cohorts of graduates being produced; and the African Skills Portal for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (ASPYEE) has been established. However, many more programs and projects such as the Pan-African E & Virtual Universities and the greater use of outer space science and technologies are yet to grain traction. While it will be important to prioritise and focus on those programs and initiatives with the greatest impact, as a Commissioner of the AUC, we have the obligation to do more, better and faster if we are to achieve the aspirations of Agenda 2063.
Priorities of the Term of Office
The priorities presented below are indicative of the issues that would inform my work as Commissioner for the term of office. They are chosen to be in concord with Agenda 2063 and the expectations to implement the decisions of the organs of the AU. It is however natural that these may change considering adjustments to mandates and or to competing demands for limited resources.
Priority 1 – Supporting the AUC Chairperson in finalising and implementing the Institutional Reform agenda.
The reform agenda with its five (5) focal areas has been identified as a critical element to ensure that Agenda 2063 becomes a reality. As a Commissioner, I will wholeheartedly support this endeavour, including but not limited to ensuring that the AU becomes operationally effective and efficient in the performance of its mandate.
Priority 2 – Advance and enable corporation, collaboration and coordination
of the work of Commissioner for ESTI with other Commissioners, organs of the AU, RECs, Member States, Pan-African institutions and Continental and global partners. The realisation of Agenda 2063 will require an integrative approach to the successful execution of strategies, programmes or projects.
Priority 3 – Imbue ESTI in AU strategies, programmes and projects.
It is universally accepted that ESTI is a key enabler in social and economic development. Many of the AU flagship projects require ESTI for their success and sustainability. Examples include the Integrated High Speed Train Network, the Grand Inga Dam Project and the Pan African e-Network. It is thus important to invest in Africa’s capacity to ensure these projects are locally operated and maintained. STISA-2024 also offers the Continent an opportunity to rapidly move towards an Innovation-led Knowledge-based Economy.
Priority 4 – Advocate and advance gender equity, youth and social inclusion
in all ESTI initiatives and projects. Africa is a young continent with the youth representing over 60% and women over 50% of its population. Women and the youth have different needs, access and control over resources in society and thus the policies, strategies and programmes of the AUC must respond to the needs of the majority of its population. As Commissioner, I submit my unwavering commitment to gender equity and the need to provide opportunities and hope for the youth of the Continent. Under the leadership of the AUC Chairperson, I will accelerate the “One Million Job by 2021” initiative and the strengthening of the AU Youth volunteer programme.
Priority – 5 Advocate and advance Africa’s Knowledge Systems.
As Commissioner for ESTI, my work is informed by the deep belief in Africa’s potential in science, technology and innovation. Africa has bequeathed to the world, many globally leading scientists, scholars and thought leaders. It is imperative for the future of our Continent to nurture, support and retain talent and potential; and ensure that Africa is an active member of the global STI system. In this regard, I will work with Member States, Pan-African institutions such as CODESRIA, AAU, AAS and scholarly and scientific structures on the continent to ensure that Africa is an active member of the global scientific community.
As part of my advocacy agenda, I will also ignite conversations with broader society on STI as a key driver for Africa’s socio-economic transformation. This is particularly critical in the advent of COVID-19, where science has been put on the spotlight.
Priority 6 – Strengthen and renew our strategic partnerships.
A key enabler of realizing the aspirations and programmes of Agenda 2063 is strong and productive partnerships. It is thus imperative to develop and nurture multi-sectorial partnerships and collaborations at regional/international levels in response to global challenges as well as to advance the priorities of the AU.
The AUC is a highly respected institution continentally and globally. I will continue to enhance its reputation by advocating for partnerships that are based on respect, equality and mutual benefit. I also intend to leverage on the capacity and capabilities of individual African professionals, intellectuals, business leaders and institutions on the Continent and in the diaspora.
In conclusion, the pandemic that the world is currently going through has highlighted once more the importance of science, technology and innovation. It has starkly shown the need for the Continent to further develop and enhance its STI human capacity and innovation infrastructure. This need is not just a matter of material prosperity, it is a matter of life for most on our Continent. As a son of this Continent and one who has dedicated his life to its service, through my research, teaching and public service, the privilege to serve at a continental level and to help strengthen Africa’s ESTI capabilities would be my greatest honour.